Kunci Lagu Zombie

Kunci Lagu Zombie. Zombie dibuat oleh salah satu member, jae dan hong ji sang. Em c g d it's the sam e old theme since 1916, em c g d

Lagu Mars Madrasah Mp3 Soal Rumit
Lagu Mars Madrasah Mp3 Soal Rumit from soalrumit.blogspot.com

(intro) em c g d/f# em c g d/f# em c g d/f# em c g d/f# em c another head hangs lowly g d/f# child is slowly taken. When the violence causes silence. Lagu ini pertama kali dirilis pada 1993.

Berikut chord kunci gitar dan lirik lagu zombie dari cranberries lengkap dengan link download mp3.

Oleh karena itu berkaitan dengan hal tersebut dan setelah sedikit mereviewnya, berikut adalah lirik beserta chord atau kunci gitar untuk lagu yang berjudul zombie. But you see, it's not me zombie, lagu yang diunggah ke kanal youtube the cranberries itu, sudah ditonton lebih dari, 1,2 milyar orang. Am f c g am f c g [3x] am f another head hangs lowly c g child is slowly taken am f and the violence caused such silence c g who are we mistaken am but you see it’s not me f it’s not my family, c in your head, in your head g they are.

Am f c g [2x] am f.

Em c g d em c another head hangs lowly , g d child is slowly taken. Zombie dibuat oleh salah satu member, jae dan hong ji sang. In your head in your head zombie zombie zombie.

Inilah chord kunci gitar dan lirik lagu zombie.

(intro) em c g d/f# em c g d/f# em c g d/f# em c g d/f# em c another head hangs lowly g d/f# child is slowly taken. Em c g d when t he vio lence c aused silence, we must be mistaken. [intro] em c g d/f# x4 [verse 1] em c g d/f# another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken em c g d/f# and the violence caused such silence, who are we mistaken em c but you see it's not me, it's not my family g d/f# in your head, in your head, they are fighting em c with their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns g d/f#.

When the violence causes silence.

Chord kunci gitar the cranberries zombie. Em c g d em c another head hangs lowly, g d child is slowly taken. In your head in your head they are fighting.

Em c g d em c g d anothers mot her 's breaking, heart is taking over.

For those who practice playing guitar i'm sorry that some corporations don't match the words.ไว้สำหรับผู้ที่ฝึกเล่นกีตาร์ ต้องขอ. Em c g d when t he vio lence c aused silence, we must be mistaken. Am f c g a am nother head ha f ngs lowly chi c ld is slowly tak g en am and the violence cau f sed such silence c who are we mist g aken but you s am ee it’s not me it’s not m f y family, in your he c ad, in your head they are figh g ting with their ta am nks and their bombs.

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